Album: New Year's DayDanny & Lulu get bathed; Debs snoozes out of harm's way Changed: 03/08/03
Contains: 26 items. Viewed: 1575 times.
Album: Andrew & JudyDinner at Peddlars with Andrew Binnendyk & Judy Jones. 2 January 2003 Changed: 03/08/03
Contains: 13 items. Viewed: 1919 times.
Album: Hens PartyMelinda's surprise hens party at the Brownlees. 3 January 2003 Changed: 03/09/03
Contains: 57 items. Viewed: 3170 times.
Album: Bulls PartyDuncan's bulls party at Mesopotamia. 7 January 2003 Changed: 03/09/03
Contains: 93 items. Viewed: 3212 times.
Album: Mums @ YumDinner with our Mums at Yum. 8 January 2003 Changed: 03/09/03
Contains: 18 items. Viewed: 1761 times.
Album: Braai @ Alpina RdBraai at home with out of town wedding guests. 9 January 2003 Changed: 03/09/03
Contains: 36 items. Viewed: 1803 times.
Album: Melinda & Duncan's WeddingPhotos from Melinda & Duncan's wedding on 11 January 2003 at 64 Alma Road and the reception at The Wild Fig. Changed: 09/09/03
Contains: 236 items. Viewed: 5534 times.
Album: HoneymoonPictures from Duncan & Melinda's mini-honeymoon in Franschhoek. 11 - 14 January 2003 Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 89 items. Viewed: 3586 times.
Album: DebsBeing her irresistably cute self, Debs makes sure her newly-wed parents don't pack their bags without her purrmission. 15 January 2003 Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 28 items. Viewed: 1873 times.
Album: Lunch at BluesA long lazy lunch at Blues in Camps Bay. 17 January 2003 Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 40 items. Viewed: 1947 times.
Album: Dinner in MuizenburgDinner at the restaurant above the Muizenberg station with Mick & Laurie. 18 January 2003. Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 12 items. Viewed: 1825 times.
Album: Fran & TimPhotos here on the 19th, dinner @ De Wijnhuis on the 21st and wine-routing on the 23rd of January 2003 with Fran & Tim Changed: 03/24/03
Contains: 19 items. Viewed: 1151 times.
Album: Mostly DogsDanny & Lulu at home and in the park, including the arrival of Spencer the Bear and a visit from James & Lisa. 22 to 26 January 2003 Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 54 items. Viewed: 3105 times.
Album: Chris Duigan's ConcertA few pics from Alex & Laura's after Chris Duigan's concert. 23 January 2003 Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 8 items. Viewed: 1488 times.
Album: Farewell to Mick & LauriePictures from Mick, Laurie & Oliver's farewell in Kalk Bay. 26 January 2003 Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 56 items. Viewed: 2992 times.
Album: Swimming @ FishhoekA swim at Fishhoek with Mick, Laurie & Oliver. 29 January 2003 Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 23 items. Viewed: 1514 times.
Album: Dogs & CatsDanny & Lulu meet Debs, discover the joys of mango, and get a new basket. 29 - 31 January 2003 Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 20 items. Viewed: 1480 times.
Album: The MetPhotos from the J&B Met, Saturday the 1st of Feb, 2003. Changed: 03/21/03
Contains: 139 items. Viewed: 4528 times.
Album: Dogs: Relaxing, Walking & Eating Exotic FoodThe dogs try out their new basket, go for yet another photographed walk, discover the joys of mangoes, and see their kennel from a new perspective. 2nd - 9th February 2003 Changed: 05/25/03
Contains: 65 items. Viewed: 2446 times.
Album: Things That FlyA visit from the O'Briens, helicopter with flag, new Airbus, Dave's TVR, and an Olive Thrush. 3 - 22 February 2003 Changed: 05/25/03
Contains: 39 items. Viewed: 1272 times.
Album: England vs PakistanCricket World Cup match between England & Pakistan @ Newlands. 22 February 2003 Changed: 05/25/03
Contains: 80 items. Viewed: 3169 times.
Album: Walkies with GranA dog walk in which Marietta shows off her tennis skills. 26 February 2003 Changed: 05/26/03
Contains: 73 items. Viewed: 3144 times.
Album: Arabella & HermanusA day spent at Arabella & Hermanus. 2 March 2003 Changed: 05/26/03
Contains: 89 items. Viewed: 3667 times.
Album: It's A Pet's LifeGeneral irresistable cuteness from the pets, with an occassional human thrown in. 2 to 29 March 2003 Changed: 08/25/03
Contains: 89 items. Viewed: 3510 times.
Album: Jemma's BirthdayJemma's birthday party. 8 March 2003 Changed: 05/26/03
Contains: 63 items. Viewed: 2795 times.
Album: Duncan's 30th BirthdayDuncan's "White Mischief" 30th Birthday Party. 20 March 2003 Changed: 05/26/03
Contains: 117 items. Viewed: 3755 times.
Album: Braai @ Jack'sA braai at Jack's place in Llandudno. 29 March 2003 Changed: 08/25/03
Contains: 26 items. Viewed: 1901 times.
Album: IstvanA brief visit from Melinda's cousin Istvan. 2 April 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 18 items. Viewed: 1305 times.
Album: Braai @ Alpina with MumA braai with Mum, Lisa & James, Jack, Jemma, Lexi & Cecilia. 4 April 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 29 items. Viewed: 1615 times.
Album: Kirstenbosch with MumsA visit to Kirstenbosch with our Mums, and dinner @ Yum. 5 April 2003 Changed: 09/09/03
Contains: 74 items. Viewed: 2414 times.
Album: Jack's Botswana TripDinners at Jack's immediately before and after his epic Botswana trip. 13 April and 9 May 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 22 items. Viewed: 1243 times.
Album: Nicky & Adam, Jemma & BruceDinners with Nicky & Adam before their US departure, and Bruce Clothier @ Jemma's. 22 and 23 April 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 27 items. Viewed: 1859 times.
Album: Kirstenbosch PicnicA picnic with uninvited bread-guzzling guests at Kirstenbosch. 26 April 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 58 items. Viewed: 2970 times.
Album: 12 Alma RdPictures of 12 Alma Rd before Marietta's move, and some of her work. 3 May 2003. Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 190 items. Viewed: 4508 times.
Album: Mothers Day & Dinner with PatMother's Day lunch @ Alpina Rd with Marietta & dinner with Pat in Newlands. 11 May & 20 June 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 21 items. Viewed: 1230 times.
Album: Photogenic Pets3 months worth of cute pictures for die-hard fans of the Forrest family pets. 24 May to 27 August 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 100 items. Viewed: 2941 times.
Album: Kalk BayA trip to Kalk Bay & a visit to Gilly. 1 June 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 27 items. Viewed: 1540 times.
Album: Suburban WildlifeEncounters with a variety of creatures in & around the home. 15 June to 1 September 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 37 items. Viewed: 1323 times.
Album: 16 Alpina RdPictures from 16 Alpinsa Rd just before our move to Rondebosch. 18 to 30 June 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 60 items. Viewed: 2512 times.
Album: McGregor WeekendA wine route to Thelema, Villiera, Rooiberg, Graham Beck & Springfiled followed by a night in McGregor. 12 - 13 July 2003 Changed: 09/05/03
Contains: 111 items. Viewed: 3561 times.